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Departments related to Neurology in Kyusyu

Department of Neurology, Kyusyu University Department of Neurology, Fukuoka University
Division of Neurology, Kurume University   Department of Neurology, Saga University
Department of Neurology, Kumamoto University The first internal medicine, Nagasaki University
Department of Neurology, Oita University The internal medicine, Miyazaki University
Kagoshima University neurology Ryukyu University the third internal medicine
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Kyusyu University  

Departments related to Psychosomatic medicine in Kyushu

Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kyushu University Department of Psychosomatic Internal Medicine, Kagoshima University
Department of Stress Sciences and Psychosomatic Medicine,Tokyo University Department of Mental Health, UOEH

Academic society

Japanese Society of Neurology Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology
Japanese Society of Neurological Therapeutics The Japanese Society for Neuroimmunology
The Japan Neuroscience Society The Japan Epilepsy Society
The Japanese Headache Society The Japan Stroke Society
Japanese Society of Cognitive Neuroscience Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Internal Medicine The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
The Japanese Pharmacological Society Japanese Society for Immunology
Japanese Society of Allergology Meeting for clinical Neurophysiology in kyusyu
Japan Society of Neurovegetative Research Japanese Peripheral Nerve Society
The Japanese Society of Neuropathology Japanese Society for Neuroinfectious Diseases
Japan Society for Dementia Research Japan Society for Higher Brain Dysfunction
Movement Disorder Society of Japan The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine
The Japan Society of Human Genentics  

Sites related to Intractable disease

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Japan Intractable Diseases Information Center