Department History
In April 1978, Dr. Yoshiyuki Murai became Chair of Neurology in University of Occupational and Environmental Health School of Medicine Hospital. Then in 1984, the Department of Neurology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health School of Medicine, Japan launched its history. Through the strong leadership of Dr. Murai our department was strengthened in clinical practice, research and education. In April 1990, the section of Psychosomatic Medicine was made in our department. Since April 1997, Dr. Sadatoshi Tsuji took over as Chair of our department following the first Chair, Dr. Murai. Dr. Tsuji continues to stimulate activity within our department, even while taking over the tradition of the department since its creation. In addition, since March 2012, Dr. Tsuji has served as dean of the University. In April 2014, Dr. Hiroaki Adachi became Professor of Department of Neurology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan.